The lake Umayo, that thousands of years ago was joined to the Titicaca, is situated next to the chullpas of Sillustani, located halfway between Puno and Juliaca.
In the central part of the lake there is an island where a family lives, and occasionally warning with time, they offer circuits and tours to this place rarely visited by the tourists that come to Puno.
The island is an authentic paradise of vicuñas, vizcachas and hummingbirds, and from its high parts can be seen the beautiful beaches of thin sand.
Useful Tips:
- Sillustani and the lake Umayo are about 25 minutes of the road that it joins Puno and Juliaca.
- During the land tour, several communities pass collas that elaborate fine fabrics and offer meals of cheese, potato and clay.
- To get to the island is necessary to converse with the artisans who are in Sillustani.