Arequipa´s Cathedral

Built in the sixteenth century, Arequipa´s Cathedral had a history full of ups and downs and other issues related to the earthquakes and fires that suffered over the centuries. Like many other monuments in the city, is built with “sillar” stone of volcanic origin and their style is Renaissance with Gothic influence, with a long front formed by 70 columns with Corinthian capitals. In its interior, it shows an altar built with marble of Carrara and Belgian organ. This organ was installed in 1854 and is one of the largest in South America. Also has a museum that shows jewelry and many religious works, some of them donated in 1850 by Bishop Goyeneche and his family.

Useful information

  • The terraces surrounding the Plaza de Armas gives the best views of the  cathedral.
  • Hours: From 10 am to 5 pm.
  • Admission to the Cathedral is free. The price of admission to the Museum is 10 soles.
  • More information about the Cathedral´s

Text & Photos by Iñigo Maneiro (

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