Corpus Christi

28 June, 2011

Corpus Christi

Antiguamente, los incas recorrían las callejuelas y plazas del Cusco con las momias de sus gobernantes formando grandes peregrinaciones. Esta costumbre ha cambiado con la influencia de tradiciones católicas y..

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17 June, 2011

The Museum of Waka de Huaro

This small museum is situated in the village of Huaro, known by the beauty and majesty of its church murals. The museum contains many stone remains from different cultures, such..

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7 June, 2011

The Lord of Qoyllor Riti

Some of the most important festivals of the department of Cusco are celebrated in June. The best known is perhaps the Inti Raymi or Festival of the Sun, but the..

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27 May, 2011

Via Ferrata: Climbing up the Pachar Walls

The Pachar community is located just 5 minutes from Ollantaytambo. In its mountains, near the highway, you can find one of the most exciting aventure experiences in Peru: the via..

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13 May, 2011

Tarwasi: The Inca Site and the Hacienda

This archeological complex is located in the Limatambo valley, one of the four tambos or rest areas in the Inca Empire. According to numerous studies, it was a ceremonial center..

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