The Wiracocha God Temple

5 May, 2011

The Wiracocha God Temple

Raqchi is located 115 kilometers from Cusco in the highway to Puno, 3550 meters above sea level. It is a huge archeological site from the fifteenth century, dedicated to the..

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25 April, 2011

The Land of Bread

The town of Oropesa, just 23 kilometers away from Cusco, is known as the bread capital of the region. It can be reached by traveling aproximately 1 kilometer from the..

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16 April, 2011

Cuyuni Viewpoint

The Ausangate Hatun Pukaran or Cuyuni viewpoint, located at 3,800 meters above sea level, is a iSur – Asociacion Odebrecht initiative where comuneros from Ccatcca have been trained for its..

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16 March, 2011

San Sebastian Church

The district of San Sebastian is located at aproximately 6 kilometers from Cusco’s center. In the Main Square we can find its magnificent church, which greatly resembles Cusco’s Cathedral. It..

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8 February, 2011

Los brujos de Huasao

Huasao es un pequeño pueblo que tiene una iglesia jesuita con un Cristo móvil. Entre sus calles se concentran muchos brujos y curanderos que ofrecen lectura de la hoja de..

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