Our Blog

16 August, 2019

The best way to celebrate the City of Arequipa

“Villa hermosa de nuestra Señora de la Asunta” was the name the beautiful city of Arequipa was founded with, also known as the “White City”. This week, the capital of..

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10 August, 2019

Circuito Norte: las rutas que no debes perderte si viajas al norte del país

Perú es un país lleno de cultura, con una historia maravillosa que cualquier viajero quisiera conocer. Un destino en el que puedes recorrer playas, ciudades, ruinas, montañas y más. Pero,..

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10 August, 2019

North Circuit: Must see places if you travel to the north of Peru

Peru is a country full of culture, with a wonderful history that any traveler would like to visit. A destination where you can explore beaches, cities, ruins, mountains and more…

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24 July, 2019

Celebrate the National Pisco Day in these bars in Lima!

The rich lands of the Peruvian coast are responsible for our most famous beverage: pisco. This drink, made from grapes, is the principal ingredient of the most delicious Peruvian cocktails…

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22 July, 2019

The Tinajani Canyon, one of the hidden wonders of Puno

When we talk about Puno, the first thing that comes to our mind is Lake Titicaca. However, this department has hidden corners wit a lot of magic. Today, we bring..

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