26 March, 2013

Land of the clay little bulls

Pucara´s main square, where the church of Santa Isabel is constructed in stone and located in its high part, concentrates all the activity of this small locality Quechua located about 100 kilometers from Puno, on the road to Cusco.

The interior of this church, raised at the end of the 18th century, preserved images of saints, a polychromed wooden altar and paintings from Cusco.
Its visits complements an entire travel experience in this part of the Altiplano in Puno including several and monumental archaeological sites of culture of Pucara (500 BC – 300 AD), a lytic museum, a stunning nature and, perhaps the most known of this location, the pottery works, in which the popular little bulls stand out. These little bulls are placed on the roofs of the houses around the Andes as decorative form also as a way to bless them.
Useful tips
  • Pucara is to 3.910 m.
  • Although the little bulls take the name of this locality, its origin lies in a small adjacent community, Santiago de Pupuja.
  • The Lythic Museum exhibits several of the most outstanding of the Pucara culture. His visit is obligatory to understand the important development achieved by it.
  • Just 1 kilometer from Pucara is Kalassaya archaeological complex fomed by pyramids and an urban center that occupy more than 500 hectares.
