1 October, 2018

Winners of TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018 and Hall of Fame

In Tierra Viva Hoteles we keep growing together! Once again the travelers who stayed at our hotels have given us, with their amazing rates, the awards of TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018.

On this occasion, the hotels that have received this recognition and to which we want to congratulate are Tierra Viva Cusco Saphi Hotel, Tierra Viva Cusco Plaza Hotel, Tierra Viva Arequipa Plaza Hotel and Tierra Viva Puno Plaza Hotel.

For those who haven’t heard about this award, the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is given “to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently receive excellent reviews from travelers” from around the world.

In our case, the Cusco Saphi Hotel has received 573 votes that qualify it as Excellent on TripAdvisor; the Cusco Plaza 450; Puno Plaza 370 and the one in Arequipa 225.

Also, the Certificate of Excellence is an award that our different hotels across the country have been receiving every year since 2014. For this reason, this year our celebration is double because TripAdvisor has also given us the important Hall of Fame Certificate, which recognizes those companies that have received the Certificate of Excellence for several years in a row.

These awards are not only a recognition to our company, but also to all the people who work with us and make an effort every day taking care of every single detail, making our guests feel at home in our accommodations.

For that reason, we want to thank all our collaborators that with their great attitude and Tierra Viva´s values receive tourists from all over the world and show them the best face of Peru.

And, of course, we also want to thank all those who visited us and took a few minutes of their day to dedicate words of gratitude and recognition for our work. This award is thanks to you!

plaza_armas_cusco_tierra_viva_hotelesLet’s continue discovering Peru together. We await for you in Tierra Viva Hotels with the best facilities in the most beautiful places of our beloved country!